Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Almost Heaven??? West Virginia OR How Can ALL the Wheels Fall Off at the Same Time

Wow, South Africa was the last time I wrote a post?!?  SOOOO much has happened since South Africa and when we arrived back in Mission, TX on April 24th.

We came back the the United States and (as we are wont to do it seems) we started our first Sojourn 3 days later.  For the 5th straight year we went to do a Spiritual Sojourn at Port Lavaca, Texas from April 27th– May 10th. This one was different from the 4 previous Sojourns in that they had visiting preachers from other congregations come to do most of the preaching.  I spoke one night because the local preacher that was supposed to speak that night had started preaching at a different congregation too far away to still come.

The Group of Sojourners at Port Lavaca, Texas in 2018. (L-R - Myself, David Johnson, Irene, Janie Mullins, Mary Hale, Barbara Catterton, Linda Shelton, Larry Shelton, Gene Catterton, Phillip Mullins)

Following Port Lavaca we had a spiritual sojourn at a church in Stuttgart, Arkansas (“the rice AND duck capital of the world”) with almost all black members.  This went from May 17th– 31st The local preacher there, Keith Bryant, is heading up a drug addiction recovery program in town that has been very effective. While there the Lord’s Church had 5 new souls baptized into their Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen.  We also had a gospel meeting that I preached there.  The Meeting Lessons were based on some popular Christian Songs:

Sunday AM Bible Study - Jesus Loves me - for the Bible tells me so
Sunday AM Sermon - Because He Loved Me So
Sunday PM Sermon - I Was Sinking Deep in Sin
Monday PM Sermon - Up From the Grave He Arose
Tuesday PM Sermon - I Serve a Risen Savior
Wednesday PM Sermon - Prepare to Meet Thy God

The Group of Sojourners at Stuttgart, Iowa: (L-R - Don Hudson, Rosemary Hudson, Larry Scott, Della Scott, Jim Gordon, Irene Gordon, Nadine Huddleston, Mike Huddleston)

One of the young ladies that was baptized studied with Irene.  Irene has led numerous individuals to the Lord with her “Double Bible Study” of the Gospel.  Two identical Bibles are used – 1 by Irene and 1 by the Student.  That way Irene can just refer to page numbers and the person doesn’t need to know all of the books of the bible and where they are found.

We left Stuttgart and went immediately to Le Mars, Iowa to have a combined spiritual/physical sojourn with the church there from June 1st– 22nd. Le Mars is the “Ice Cream Capital of the World.”  Blue Bunny Ice Cream is manufactured there.  

Sojourner Team in Le Mars, Iowa:  (Top to Bottom)
Linda and Joe Thomas; Wendall and Marilynn Evans; Jim and Irene

Irene had some physical issues there that kind of limited her participation.  I taught my instructional “Using the Biblical Concept of ‘Covenant’ to Interpret Scripture."  This was a 2 ½ week long sojourn.  Unfortunately, we didn’t do any door-knocking or have a gospel meeting there. 

Following the Le Mars Sojourn we went to visit Junzo, Emma, Maeda and Rowan and Fumiko in Durham, North Carolina.  Junzo is the Radiation Oncology MD in charge of the Gynecological Radiation Oncology Division at Duke University.  His wife Emma and he have to 2 children, Maeda is 9 and Rowan is 6.  Junzo is our oldest son.  Fumiko is our youngest daughter and is in the 5th year of her residency in Radiation Oncology at Duke.  We dropped off the Trekker at Spencer, West Virginia where our next sojourn was and drove down to Durham for the 4th of July holiday week.
After the 4th, we headed back to Spencer, West Virginia.  You may remember that we were SUPPOSED to have a sojourn in Spencer last year which was cancelled because Irene had her heart attack and heart catherization.  Well, the Spencer Bug bit again this year.  We were there to conduct the VBS that was SUPPOSED to be last year, but Irene had some “Scintillating Scotomas.”  For all of us non-medical types, that means that she started getting areas in her field of vision that were wavy or just weren’t there at all or were like pixilated starbursts.  This was one of the issues that she had in Le Mars.  When she went to an ophthalmologist for it there, she was told that she should immediately go to the emergency room if it ever happened again because this CAN be a warning that a stroke is occurring.  So, when it occurred again in Spencer – off to the ER we went.  Spencer isn’t big enough to have a trauma type ER.  It has an ER where they assess you and if its bad enough they send you to one of the 3 or 4 big hospitals in the state.  She got shipped to Parkersburg, WV and was in the hospital for a week while they poked and prodded and tested.  Bottom line, she has “visual migraines.”  This is the BEST kind of migraine, I suppose, there are no actual headaches with them.

The Sojourner Team in Spencer, West Virginia: 
(L - R - Marvin Wynn, Jim Gordon, Eloise Wynn, Irene Gordon)

Thank the Lord that the Wynns - Eloise and Marvin, had signed up for the sojourn also. For the first week, while Irene was in the hospital, the Wynns went around to all of the businesses and asked to put out flyers inviting kids to the VBS (Vacation Bible School).  I was driving the 45 miles one way to Parkersburg to be with Irene. (As an aside, the curvy roads throughout West Virginia countryside are kind of like being on a Formula 1 racetrack, LOTS of fun to drive if you are a man without his wife in the car!).  The second week is when the VBS actually took place: Sunday, July 15th– Wednesday, July 18th.  The lessons were on the theme “Trust and Obey.” Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego and the Fiery Furnace (Daniel 3); Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6); Esther and the Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection on the 4th night.

As if Irene being in the hospital wasn’t enough on our plate while in West Virginia, I had my very first ever bout of “pancreatitis” while there.  I wake up at 3 AM for my normal “I’m 65 and have to go to the potty in the middle of the night” wee-wee and BAM I’m taken to my knees with a red-hot-poker-like stab of pain in my right side just below my rib cage.  Irene is still in the hospital herself 45 miles away and now I’m under assault from something.  I figured out pretty fast that it was too high to be my appendix, so I decided to dial 9-1-1 put didn’t push <SEND> on my cellphone.  I got into the car and drove at a slower clip than usual to the hospital Irene was in to the ER. (I at least wanted to be in the same hospital as the one that she was in!).  I was ready to push <SEND> if I had needed to pull over and have the EMTs come to pick me up somewhere on the way, but I managed to make it.  My blood test showed that it was pancreatitis (I had Lipase #s of 484 for you med types; normal is below 100).  I was put on a “4 day clear-liquids” diet and kicked down the road.  Phew, we both didn’t end up admitted!

And as if all of THAT wasn’t enough.  I’m coming back from seeing Irene in the hospital on Saturday, July 14th and the Transmission on our 2017 Ford Expedition EL dies!  You MUST be kidding me!?!?!  Praise the Lord, the ONLY car dealership in Spencer is a Ford Dealership. So, into the shop goes the Expedition.  BUT, being a small town, they are 2 weeks out on Transmission Repairs. So, after the Sojourn was done on the 19th we ended up staying in Spencer until the 27th waiting for the car to be repaired.  


We drove from West Virginia to Traverse City, Michigan to visit Matthew and Janine French for a couple of days.  Until 2½ years ago we knew them as house parents at Shults-Lewis Children’s Home.  They left after 13 years and Matthew became the evangelist at the Traverse City church of Christ.  They love it there and are as happy as pigs in slop.  The men there are going to talk about having a sojourn there.

Matthew and Janine French.  Matthew now  preaches at the 
Traverse City church of Christ in Traverse City, Michigan

That brings you up to date.  Tomorrow we begin the Listening Lab here in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It ends Saturday and we are headed to Lafayette, IN to take a couple of weeks off and catch up on some Medical Appointments.  Following that we head (driving our car only) to Toronto for 8-10 days and then we have the Shults-Lewis Sojourn from August 30th– September 20th.  On the way down to the Sojourner Workshop in October, I am preaching a Gospel Meeting in Grayville, Illinois from October 1st– 4th.  The Camp Bee Workshop starts as early as it is possible to begin this year – on Monday, October 8th.  Since it always begins the 2nd Monday in October, the earliest it can begin is the 8thof October and the latest it can begin is on the 14thof October.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Visual Ride into the Orange River Separating South Africa and Namibia

On Friday Morning, April 5th, we left Springbok, South Africa to head for Keetmanshoop.  As you approach the Orange River which is heading for the Atlantic Ocean (It is the border between the 2 countries along Namibia’s southern border), you drop through some beautiful sedimentary rock formations that look much like you’d see in the Grand Canyon of the United States.  You will notice however that the stone is varying shades of brown as opposed to the varying shades of red/orange that you see in the canyon (which is caused by varying amounts of iron in the rock).  I just began taking a series of pictures to attempt to capture the beauty of this part of the creation of God.  Below are the pictures in the order in which they were taken.  I hope you enjoy the “ride.”

Notice on the picture below the “bending” near the top in the middle of the picture.  This is “metamorphosis”. Pressure or heat causes sedimentary rocks to change - form, shape and crystalline structure.  Limestone becomes Marble; Sandstone becomes quartzite

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Homage to Mamarita Isaacks

We left Cape Town on Thursday morning to begin the 614 mile trek to Keetmanshoop, Namibia.  This trip to South Africa has been planned since August of 2017.  And, as they say “Life is what happens while you are making other plans.”  Probably for the last 20 years every time I’ve come to South Africa, I’ve come up to Keetmanshoop to teach and preach.  The first 2 times Peter Manuel and I also went over to Luderitz on the Namibian Coast where there is also a church.  Since those early days, the church in Namibia has grown quite a bit.  There are now about 8 or 9 churches, where at one time there were none — only some contact names sent to Peter and others by World Bible School.

But, back to the point.  One of the things that has occurred in “Life” while other plans were made for this trip is that the wife of one of the leaders in the church in Keetmanshoop developed pancreatic cancer.  On Thursday night she passed away.  So, what was supposed to be a sermon at the church building in Keetmanshoop last night, ended up being morphed into a message of exhortation and consolation to the family and friends of our sister at her home.  Her name was Mamarita Isaacks.  She was 44 years old.  Her husband’s name is Bennie.  They have 4 children.  The youngest of the children is not quite 4 years old.  She was a wonderful, committed Christian sister.  She will be missed in this world.

Philippians 1:21-23 - For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!  I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;

2 Timothy 4:7,8 -  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Our blog isn't exactly a "Captain's Log" is it? OR "Wow, time flies even when you AREN'T having fun at our age!"

My, my, my - It's been since Hawaii in November that I've written a blog post.  I'll bet you're all glad I'm not your mailman (postman for our UK influenced friends).

So, what's been happening.

We went to Red Bay in the early part of December.  There actually wasn't too much to fix on the Trekker this year when our year-end Maintenance Session came up.  Obviously we had already been there in July for our driver's side hydraulic slide not being able to come back in.  So, we only had to stay about 10 days to get the list taken care of this time.  We also found that if you come in December, there aren't near as many people there to get repairs.  I guess being between Thanksgiving and Christmas is kind of a rig repair "Sweet Spot."

Following our yearly trek to Red Bay we headed to Durham, North Carolina for Christmas with our kids.  Well 5 out of 7 of them anyway.  Getting our family together can be challenging since we have 7 kids spread from Toronto, Canada to Florida to Tucson, Arizona and numerous locations in between.  So Christmas is a time to get as many of them together as possible.  The last time we had our whole family together was for my mother's 80th birthday in September of 2009.  So, even getting together with most of the family was great.  Seeing grandkids is always a highlight of any family visit.  They are all growing up.  The corollary to that statement is that WE are growing O-L-D.  Our oldest grandkids are now 9 and our youngest is closing in on 4 pretty quickly now.

After Christmas with the kids and grandkids it was back to Mission, Texas where we had decided that our "Experiment in Downsizing" was a pretty abject failure.  So, we purchased a new home.  This one has 4 bedrooms, though one is my office and one is going to be Irene's crafting room.  The extra space gave us a good sized closet to store all of Irene's VBS material in also.  Plus, this one has both an RV Port for the trekker AND a garage for the Ford Expedition we now us as our Tow Vehicle.

Being home this year was all about trying to get Irene's health issues addressed.  Since we were on the road following her heart attack, she hadn't actually gotten in any structured Cardiac Rehab.  So, while we were there she got about 1/2 of those rehab appointments taken care of.  Not wanting to turn this blog post into WebMD, we will just say that she's had appointments with 4 different specialists as well as our Primary Care Physician in the last six weeks.  I was feeling so ignored I went and got a shot in my eyeball just to get some attention! LOL.  She's making some progress for which we are very thankful and want to thank all of you that have been praying for her recovery.

In February we made a swing west from Mission to visit to see the western part of our family.  We have a son that lives in Tucson, Arizona with his family and another one that lives in Odessa, Texas with his family.  These were the 2 of our kids that couldn't make it to Durham for Christmas so we had to go see these grandkids too.

As I sit here now typing this posting we are in Cape Town, South Africa on what has been for me a virtually yearly mission trip since 1984.  Irene's been here about 15 or so times over that 34 year period.  At the end of this post I'll going to put the schedule of our stay here.  We will be here 7 weeks.  Much of the last 2 will be doing some "sightseeing in Namibia's Caprivi Strip.  We are also going to go to Livingstone, Zambia to see Victoria Falls which are near the headwaters of the Zambezi River.

On the map of Namibia above you can see the arm that extends to the east, south of 
Angola and Zambia and North of Botswana.  That is the "Caprivi Strip."

We arrived on the 7th of March and will return to the US on the 24th of April.  During our mission trip in South Africa and Namibia Irene or I will teach (or I will preach) at 5 different churches and the Cape Bible School.  Below is the schedule for our Mission Trip:

2018 South Africa/Namibia Mission Trip Schedule
March 5th – April 24th 2018

March 5th - Monday

5:40 PM – 7:15 PM
AA 5772 
10:15 PM
AA 78

March 6th - Tuesday

1:10 PM

London – Heathrow
6:10 PM
London - Heathrow

March 7th - Wednesday

7:15 AM

10:35 AM – 12:45 PM
Cape Town
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday Night Study
Adult Bible study
March 8th - Thursday
Young Adults
March 9th - Friday

March 10th - Saturday

Elders & Deacons
March 11th - Sunday
Morning Bible Study

Sunday Morning Lesson

Sunday Evening Lesson
Atlantis Sing a Long??

March 12th - Monday

March 13th - Tuesday
Men’s Class
Jones’ House
 Book of Jude Overview
March 14th - Wednesday
Wednesday Night Study
Walk By Faith Not Sight
March 15th - Thursday

March 16th - Friday

March 17th - Saturday
Authority & Silence
March 18th - Sunday
Morning Bible Study

Sunday Morning Lesson

Sunday Evening Lesson
Lesson from Mark
March 19th - Monday

March 20th - Tuesday

March 21st - Wednesday
Wednesday Night Study
Walking Wisely
March 22nd - Thursday
Understand Bible Alike
March 23rd - Friday


March 24th - Saturday

March 25th - Sunday
Morning Bible Study
Thicket Rd

Sunday Morning Lesson
Thicket Rd
Worse than Saul

Sunday Evening Lesson
Thicket Rd
More than David
March 26th - Monday

Thicket Rd
You’ve left the church
March 27th - Tuesday

Thicket Rd
Brethren let you down
March 28th - Wednesday
Wednesday Night Study
Thicket Rd
Be faithful till death
March 29th - Thursday

March 30th - Friday

March 31st - Saturday

April 1st - Sunday

Sunday Morning Lesson
Great Is Our God

April 2nd - Monday

April 3rd - Tuesday

Soup Kitchen & 
Men’s Class 
April 4th - Wednesday
Wednesday Night Study
Keep Walking In Truth
April 5th - Thursday
Leave for Namibia 
CBS (Malan)

April 6th - Friday
Arrive in Namibia

Friday Night Classes
Forgiveness In Christ 
April 7th – Saturday
Saturday Night Classes
Rohan Jones
April 8th – Sunday
Sunday Morning Study
Restore Us Again

Sunday Morning Lesson
Brethren Let You Down

Sunday Evening Lesson
Faithful Until Death
April 9th – Monday
Leave for Windhoek
Arrive in Windhoek

Protea Hotel Fürstenhof
4 Dr. Frans Indongo St
April 10th – Tuesday
Protea Hotel Fürstenhof
4 Dr. Frans Indongo St
April 11th - Wednesday

9:35 AM – 11:05 AM
Windhoek Eros
Katima Mulilo

Protea Zambezi Lodge
Ngoma Rd. Caprivi 
Katima Mulilo
April 12th - Thursday
Protea Zambezi Lodge

April 13th - Friday
Protea Zambezi Lodge

April 14th - Saturday
Protea Zambezi Lodge
CBS (Malan)

April 15th - Sunday
Protea Zambezi Lodge

April 16th - Monday
Protea Zambezi Lodge

Katima Mulilo
Windhoek Eros

Etango Ranch Guest Farm
B6 – Opposite Airport
April 17th - Tuesday

5:30 AM – 8:10 AM
10:40 AM – 12:20 PM
Livingstone, Zambia

Protea Livingstone
Mosi-O-Tunya Rd
April 18th - Wednesday
Protea Livingstone

April 19th – Thursday
Protea Livingstone
CBS (Malan)

1:00 PM – 2:40 PM
5:45 PM – 7:55 PM
Cape Town
April 20th – Friday

April 21st – Saturday

April 22nd – Sunday

Sunday Morning Lesson
Our God Is Awesome

Sunday Evening Lesson
Boasting In The Lord
April 23rd - Monday

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Cape Town
8:45 PM

April 24th - Tuesday

6:55 AM

9:15 AM – 1:25 PM
London Heathrow
6:40 PM – 8:21 PM