Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The meaning of the word work

Yesterday was a Federal Holiday - President's Day, so we didn't work at Camp Bee either.  So, I took the opportunity to go have a Retinologist stick a needle in my eye.  Yea, Bubba, now that's MY idea of holiday fare.  My left eye has what is called a "branch vein occlusion" which means that one of the veins that drain blood brought to the eyeball by its arteries has a blockage and won't drain.  This makes the blood in that vein "pool" which causes swelling which in turn makes my vision in that eye seem like there is a "cloud" over it.  On the eye chart exam, I can read the 20/20 line with my right eye but only the 20/40 line with my left eye and even that is "wavy."

To reward me for being a "big boy" and not crying when the doctor stuck a needle in my eye.  We went to Texas Roadhouse and I got a full rack of ribs.  They were "fall off the bone" wonderful.  I came back to the rig and walked 3 miles to work some of that fat off.

Congrats to the USA's ice dancing team that took gold in the Olympics last night.

Today I was reminded what actual WORK is - you know hard, physical work - not sitting at a desk and pushing paper or preparing and preaching a sermon.  Dave Blair, Dave Bell and I worked on clearing a lot of trees.  Here at Camp Bee they had about 40 acres that were tree covered that they had "clear cut."  What a misnomer!  It should be called "90 % cut DOWN" or "65% hauled away."  They left all the "small stuff" (under about 6 inches in diameter) broken and laying on the ground.  To replant the land (which MUST be done because Sojourners has received an "agricultural tree farm" tax rate on the land) All of that stuff has to either be cut up and used for firewood (which is what is done with all the hardwoods - oaks and hickories) or put into burn piles for, well - burning!  Dave Blair was on chain saw; Dave Bell was on the tractor;  I was the carry and drag brigade.  Later in the day, Dave Blair was done cutting the easily cut stuff and helped me with get the smaller branches, twigs and pine stuff put onto the burn piles we started.

I   A-M   S-O-R-E!

Irene also worked today.  She helped in the office.  She had the unenviable task of trying to find out if sojourners that no one has heard from in years (or contacts listed on their applications) are alive or dead.  She did a job that even Joel would be proud of.  Chasing down obituaries and public records if she couldn't contact anyone.  Bravo Irene.

Tonight was a pitch-in with gumbo as the centerpiece.  I opted for the Chinese stir fry that was the other option - I'm not a big fan of Cajun spices and gumbo also usually has the "let me help myself down your throat" snot substitute - okra - as a major ingredient.  Ain't gonna go there!   The deserts were awesome, but then again, aren't they almost always?

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