Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I hear the clamor

My "Peeps" are in rebellion!  The horde is charging the gates!  The clamor for another posting has become so loud that I fear for my life?

Well, 3 or 4 of you all have asked "Do you still have your blog?" or "I miss your blog posts."

Thanks to each of you, your check is in the mail.

So, what have Irene and I been doing since December 18th?? (Wow, even I didn't know it has been 4 months.)  Let's see.....

We moved into "Mardon Estate" (the name we have given our home) our "winter haven." As you may know from previous posts we purchased a winter "base of operations" in Retama Village in Mission, Texas.  We spent January unpacking and trying to find a place for the stuff we shipped down from Lafayette, IN.  And OH, that's right, in January we also had 2 sojourns we were involved with:

1. San Benito, TX - Sunny Glen Children's Home
2. Pharr, TX - North Church of Christ in Pharr, TX (the "HOME" church of Irene and I now that we've moved to Mission, TX.)

So, no TIME (or strength) to write blog postings in January.

We didn't get quite finished moving into the new house when .... (Insert the descending "duh, duh, duh, duh" organ music from the silent serials of long ago HERE) we got the "South Texas Crud."  That upper respiratory infection that won't go away and always gets named after wherever you are living: i.e. "Indiana Crud;" "Southern California Crud" (Oh, no, that's smog), er, ah - "Florida Crud" etc.  For some reason no one's figured out this is the "Universal Crud."  However, it wasn't the Flu, since Irene had gotten the "Government Formulated and Approved" Flu Shot this year like every other year.  BTW, the words "Government Formulated and Approved" are the reason why I have N-E-V-E-R gotten "the flu shot."  Being a Jeffersonian Conservative I have an innate distrust of ANYTHING the government wants to control beyond what the Constitution says they can control.  "That Government which governs least, governs best" as Thomas Hobbes said. (This has been an  unpaid political endorsement for small government!)

Anyway we were laid waste for the month of February.  We just laid in front of our 65" Samsung TV in the Living Room of "Mardon Estate" and watch all 7 seasons of "The Closer" with Kyra Sedgewick in it.  We'd never even seen one episode before but with Amazon Prime it was an inexpensive undertaking.  Just reclining on our couch watching something is easier than having to do all of the thinking and typing necessary to write these blog posts. So in February we were to SICK to write any blog posts.  Though I did have to slog through finishing out the inside of a shed at Joel and Brenda's new abode in Odessa, TX.  THAT was a real nightmare.

March came and we were getting over being sick but we had to prepare for the 1st Sojourn for which I would be team leader.  This was in Port Lavaca, TX.  If you are a follower of this blog from the beginning you will remember that we were at Port Lavaca last year also.  Port Lavaca's sojourn finished on the 26th of March and we drove back to Mission, TX that afternoon (about a 6 hour drive).  We had from the 27th of March to the 1st of April to hit it hard and get ready for the bulk of our Sojourning year.

The first week of April we spent back in Lafayette, Indiana.  I am on the Board of Directors for Shults-Lewis Children's Home in Valparaiso, Indiana and we had a board meeting on the 4th of April.  We flew there on the 2nd of April and flew back to McAllen on the 7th of April.  During that time we spent most of our "Free time" with our granddaughter, Neo (yes, and her parents Kazumi and Steve also).  We got back to Mission on the 7th and "hit the road" the very next morning.

If you've actually looked at our Website: www.JITrekking.com - you can go to the tab Our Sojourns and see our schedule for the year.  You can see that our first "out of Texas" sojourn began on the 18th of April at "Copper Basin Bible Camp" in Prescott, AZ.  This gave us the opportunity to see our newest grand baby - Izabela Rain Gordon (and her parents, our son Joshua and Cristina Gordon).  We got to Tucson, AZ where they live on the 10th of April and were supposed to be in Prescott, AZ on Saturday the 18th. SUPPOSED TO BE...... we will leave that for another posting.  Let's just say for now that we are back in Tucson, AZ and visiting with Bela some more and are leaving this coming Saturday for Kayenta, AZ.

We left Retama Village on the 10th of April and will not return to Mardon Estate in Mission, TX until AT LEAST the end of October (after the Camp Bee workshop) and quite probably the middle of November (if we need any work done on the Trekker at Red Bay) following this year's Sojourning season.

I'll give you the run down on the Sojourns we've had so far in separate blog postings.  Hopefully, not that far in the future.

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