Sunday, May 3, 2015

They took the whole Indian nation, put us on this Reservation

We left Tucson Saturday morning and got to Kayenta, AZ about 3:30 in the afternoon.  We are going to be here until the 15th of the month.   The first week we are going to be visiting individuals that, for one reason or another, have left the church or, in some cases, visited many times and shown an interest in learning more about the faith.  Only Greg and Cathy Ryznar and Irene and I are here.  We enjoy one another's company quite a bit so it will be an enjoyable  sojourn.

I've had a soft spot in my heart for American Indians since I was in college.  My roommate at Central Washington State College was a Makah Indian.  (The very tip of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state is there reservation).  The plight of the American Indian is a tragic situation.  Conquered, Lied to Repeatedly, Often Displaced from their homelands and placed on reservations UNTIL that land became valuable to others also - at which time they were involuntarily moved again.  Unemployment is rampant on reservations.  Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is always through the roof.  It such a sad, sad situation.

Kayenta is on the Navajo Indian Reservation.  It is the largest Indian Reservation in the United States.  It covers portions of 3 states:  Arizona, Utah and New Mexico:

In the Arizona Region of the reservation the land is mainly sandstone.  This leads to some spectacular scenery:  Monument National Park is on the reservation (in Southern Utah and Northeast Arizona); Four Corners is on the reservation (the point at which Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado all meet).  It completely surrounds the Hopi Indian Reservation.

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