Friday, June 26, 2015

HOOKUPS?? We don't need no stinking hookups..... or do we?

We finished our Sojourn at Mid-Western Children's Home on Thursday, June 18th.  We had to head over the Lafayette, Indiana because I had a Board of Directors meeting at Shults-Lewis Children's Home on Saturday, the 20th.  Following the meeting we had lunch with my sister, Charlynn and then we had dinner with one of our 6 year old granddaughters, Neo and her mom and dad (Kazumi and Steve).  Then Steve and I (for Father's Day) went to see Jurassic World.  It was totally predictable, but would you want, or expect anything different? 

The board meeting went well Saturday, but it was l-o-n-gggg (9 AM - 1 PM).  We headed to Lafayette and had dinner with Irene's sister, Kathryn and her children Kendra and Krista and her husband DC.  That was nice (all except my forgetting to get back my credit card after I paid for dinner.  DC had to go to the restaurant to pick it up this past Wednesday when I realized I didn't have it).  

Sunday morning I preached in Frankfort, Indiana at the congregation I had preached at for years before we began sojourning.  Following that we buzzed back to Ohio.  

Our next Sojourn (and we are presently in the middle of it right now) is at the Groesbeck church of Christ in the Cincinnati area.  Irene and I had gone over on the last Sunday in May to get "the lay of the land."  At the time they had NO hookups of any kind.  Hookups for RVs consist of:

1. Electric - 30 or 50 Amp depending on what the needs of the RV are.

2. Water - most RVs have an "on-board" water tank that's between 75 and 100 gallons.  But that's only for use while traveling.  Typically RVs hook up to a water line on site.

3. Sewer - Waste water.  This comes in 2 forms: Gray Water - this is from the sinks; shower and washing machine and; Black Water - from the toilet(s).

Well, the church building had ZERO hookups.  They did have a breaker box in the basement 140 feet away from where we would be parking.  However, they didn't have any kind of outside water bib or a "clean out" that we could dump in.  They did say that before the sojourn began they would put an outside water bib in and pull electrical line from the breaker to our parking area.  OK, let's do it!!!

When we arrived there on last Sunday the electrical and water hookups were in - GREAT!  Er, not so fast.  It ended up that the 140 feet of wire had a 13 Volt line loss.  At our rigs we were getting 105 Volts. OUCH!  Nothing will burn out an RV A/C air conditioner faster than low voltages.  Try as we may, try as we might we couldn't get the voltage up.  Also, the hose that was run back to the rigs was not potable water hose.  That could be easily fixed.  So, after a great deal of trying to work on the voltage, the decision was made to move back over to Mid-Western Children's Home and commute over everyday for the sojourn.  We felt bad because the church had done all they could to try to make it happen there, but we couldn't take the chance of burning up our rigs electrical system.

Today the Hughes and we went to the "Creation Museum" over in Northern Kentucky just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati.  It was pretty nice.  It had some beautiful gardens.  The museum itself was pretty good.  I wasn't particularly impressed by their emphasis on proving that dinosaurs actually existed.  I (JIM) have a different view.  I believe fossilized dinosaur "bones" are red herrings placed in the ground so those that don't want to believe in creation can have a grand time "chasing their tails."  As it says in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 -- "and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  Irene believes that dinosaurs lived prior to the flood.  She disagrees with my view as stated above.

We start our VBS (Vacation Bible School) Sunday night.  It runs through Wednesday night.  Then we will head to Lafayette for the 4th of July weekend and an eye exam for me to see if I'll need to get another shot in the eye.  That will happen on Monday, the 6th.  The next day we head to Middletown, NY for our next sojourn.  Life is great!  Our God is great!

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