Thursday, May 26, 2016

This isn't the New York Times or Washington Post - We don't Bury our Corrections in the Classifieds below the fold in minuscule type

So, I found out I gave out some bad information and I wanted to correct it.  In our last post I said (2 or 3 times that I thought the blacker mountains on the North American Plate side of the Denali Fault were probably Basaltic in composition.  As an NFL Referee would say "Upon Further Review....".

It ends up that the composition of those mountains is a sedimentary silt stone conglomerate called "Kahilta Flysch." The primary composition is indeed basaltic in origin, but I thought they were igneous basalt (volcanic in origin) and they are sedimentary basalt.  To those of you who may be big-bang non-believers or deists that may make millions of years of difference; to those of us that are creationists, it is a distinction without a difference essentially because God made the dry land appear (in all it's constituent forms - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) within the same 24 hour period on day 3:

"Genesis 1:9   And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.  10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. "

At the same time God miraculously created these things he also put into effect the Physical Laws of Nature that have operated as we presently know them since that time.

Lest you think me the fool for believing (having faith) in the literal Bible account of creation contained in Genesis 1, let me point out that those that are believers in the "Big Bang" theory run into their own philosophical and scientific "leaps of faith."

1.) The laws of Physics (Conservation of Mass) state that "matter can neither be created nor destroyed"  -- So where did the original Matter in the "Big Bang" come from?

2.) The consensus of Scientists is that the laws of nature AS THEY NOW EXIST had to NOT exist and be TOTALLY DIFFERENT - (Because the present laws of quantum mechanics don't hold up) - so you are forced to believe in Planck's Epoch, a "Singularity," "Quantum Loops," or "Big Bounces"or any one of a growing myriad of explanations of how the "something" in which we presently exist came from "nothing."

The point is we all ultimately have "faith" in something.  That "something" is Eternal: For the Christian it is God; for the Non-Believer it is Matter itself (that is Stephen Hawking's latest proposition). Having said that, two things are for sure - 

1.) NONE of us was there.

2.) The Christian doesn't have to "set aside" the very laws which we all know are presently in effect.  We state God created the universe as it presently exists and the laws which we presently have.

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