Thursday, July 10, 2014

"It just rattles around a bit"

In the movie Patton, General Omar Bradley (played my Karl Malden) is explaining to General Patton (played by George C. Scott in academy awarding winning fashion) how the American tanks (which ran on gasoline) would explode when hit by a shell, bullet, shrapnel, etc. but the German tanks (which were powered by diesel fuel) would just keep going though "you can hear the shell (that hit them - JRG) rattling around inside them."  I'm convinced that is what happens to the WiFi signal at so many of the locations we have Sojourns - "It just rattles around" - around the hills here in Spencer.  We get anywhere from NO SERVICE to 2 bars and 4G (even USING our Signal Booster) at the church building.  So, you have to wait for web pages to load in small bursts with varying amounts of time just sitting there mocking you.

We are here on our 2nd "Becoming Servants" VBS.  For the last 4 days we have been door-knocking in town and inviting people to attend.  There are 2 other Sojourner couples here with us - Dave and Charlotte Grall from California and Elger (Al) and Glenda Wooten from Alabama originally but trying to buy a home in Parkersburg, WV.  Al has plantar fasciitis so he isn't able to do any door-knocking so they just arrived on Tuesday and we are VERY happy to have them.

The Gralls are wonderful - real troupers.  We couldn't ask for better partners in this Sojourn.

We've had 3 teams of 2 people put out 634 invitations in town and speak to LOTS of residents at the house about coming in pretty physically demanding geography.  In case you haven't heard - West Virginia is H-I-L-L-Y!!  So getting to many of the doors on the houses demands walking up a flight of (usually) steep stairs OR a long inclined driveway.

Tomorrow is our "day off."  We are supposed to get Friday and Saturdays off - yea! right! fat chance!  The VBS begins Saturday - so that day isn't going to happen AND tomorrow (Friday) many of the teachers will be working on getting their class materials and classrooms ready.  Here's the teaching line-up:

Pre-School - Irene

1 & 2 Grade - Allison Miller (a local member that a is a teacher)

3 & 4 Grade - Charlotte Grall

5 & 6 Grade - Glenda Wooten

Teens - Dave Grall

Adults - Jim Gordon

The VBS goes on from 6:30-8:30 each evening from Saturday 12th - Wednesday 16th.

The church here is very small.  It only has about 20 members.  They've helped as much as they could and we really appreciate it.  Marvin Miller and Harold Richards have been out door-knocking every day with us and Allison have been printing our materials and helping us bag the stuff.

Because the WiFi here is so poor, this is going to be a text-only blog posting.

God bless you all and have a great day.

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