Friday, July 4, 2014

The Things You Can Learn in Medical School OR More construction pictures of the completed Closed Cell Wall Insulation

We are in Durham, NC visiting our son, Junzo; his wife, Emma and their children Maeda and Rowan.  One of the things that we did today was watch Junzo put on a "bubble blowing" exhibition.  It was pretty amazing.  Here's a video:

If you read to the bottom of the post the "Recipe" for the bubble soap is there. 
 It contains a special ingredient.

These first four pictures below show the progress made on the "brown coat" - the second of the four coats applied when stuccoing a house
Here are the posts on the west side of the "RV Port"

This is the wall at the back of the port area.  The door is into the storage shed.

This is the entry arch with its brown coat applied

This is the eastern wall with the glass cube windows for the living room and kitchen.  
The one window has all but one block installed.

The pictures below show the foam adhering to the rafters.  It's thick enough that you can not see them:

This picture is of the Living Room Rafters (the JOISTS are the wood 2x6s that you can still see)

This shows the walls meeting the ceiling in the Master Bedroom

This is a picture of the Master Bathroom over the Toilet

This is a picture of the ceiling in the master bathroom shower

The pictures below show the walls after they are foamed.  They use a special knife that reaches across 2 studs and cuts off the foam that is sticking out past the studs:

This is the corner of the front (guest) bedroom with the foam in the walls.

This shows the wall that runs from the computer desk (which will be below the window on the right and the Laundry Room.  The Pocket door framing has also been installed.  At the lower left of the picture you can see the dryer vent hole.

This is the Kitchen wall foamed and ready to drywall.  Notice the 
Glass Blocks have also been installed.

Here is a shot of the Living Room wall from the inside with the foam applied.  Again, notice that the one "Glass Block Window" has all but 1 glass block installed.  The other "Glass Block Window" is still awaiting its blocks.

This is the wall in the Guest Bedroom.  Since it is a "Bay Window" the top of it is
 framed in like a wall because it will have drywall attached to it also.

This picture is of the master bedroom wall all "foamed and ready" for drywall.

The Bubble Soap Recipe:

12 parts of water
2 parts of Dawn Detergent
1/2 part of Surgical Lubricant

The two sticks are just from off of the ground.
The string between them has a weight at the bottom heavy enough  to pull the string together when it is put into the water.

The Surgical Lubricant is the key.  It increases the Surface Tension of the soap so the bubbles don't pop easily and get VERY large.

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