Saturday, August 16, 2014

And the Beat Goes On

The work continues here in Sainte Ambroise, Saguenay, Quebec.  We continue to make some process in the work.  This past Thursday it rained so we switched our work day to Friday and took Thursday as our day off.  Friday we got a LOT done.  We got black felt paper put down on the long "shed roof" on one side of the building and the steeper of the two sections of the gambrel roof on that same side.  Then we also got the final metal roof on the shed section of that side of the building.  Here's a video that shows.

Today Bob and Sue Hughes (two of the other Sojourners here) took us out to lunch.  We went to "Mike's" which is a Pizza & Chicken restaurant here.  Chicken is HUGE in Quebec Province - both in popularity and in actual size.  You go to Mike's or Scores or even Costco and the chickens here are just plain big!  After that we had to do some shopping.  I had to get a new toner cartridge for our laser jet printer so I looked for an office supply store: Staples came up as being in town.  COOL.  So we drove to where it is. NO STAPLES.  There was however a "Bureau en Gros."  It was Red and White on the outside just like "Staples."  So we took a chance and stopped there.  Sure enough "Staples" in Quebec is called "Bureau en Gros."   It's just like the KFC here being called PFK - "Poulet Frit Kentucky."  Apparently, the law in Quebec is that all business signs MUST be in French.  Not even Trademark signs are exempt.  How positively Elitist - or to use a fine French word - Gauche!

We also had to find some leather work gloves.  I went to 2 places - A Hardware Store in St. Ambroise and a store that is the Quebec equivalent of Home Depot - NO (Zero, Nada, Zilch, Negative Bupkiss) leather gloves.  We were told by a store clerk to check at "Canadian Tire."  It ends up being much more than just a Tire Store.  It is Canada's largest Auto Parts store but even more than that.  The one we went to had a Garden Supply store and a housewares area also.  It is truly a bizarre retail amalgamation.  But I guess it works here.  Oh, they DO sell tires too ...... I guess (though I never saw them).

Coming back to the rig from shopping today we stopped and got some pictures of the beautiful Saguenay River in the downtown area.  Here's a pic and a short video.

We have 2 more work days here.  We will leave Wednesday on our way back to Indiana.  We are taking our time: Quebec City KOA night 1; Montreal KOA - night 2; Kingston - night 3.  Then we are visiting Mary, Brad and Amelie for 3 days before we arrive at Shults-Lewis for our next Sojourn.

All six of us sojourners are playing Yahtzee right now.  WAY, too little intellect and WAY too much luck to be a game I really like, so this is all about fellowship.  Till Later!

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