Friday, August 1, 2014

Sir, If you'll not be needing me, I'll close down for awhile!

If you follow this blog regularly you know that Irene and I have had a busy year.  As I noted in another post - We have been meeting ourselves coming AND going.

We arrived here in Saguenay-Saint Ambroise on Thursday afternoon about 1:30 in the afternoon and got set up.  Then we drove to Alma to see if there was a Walmart there.  Sure enough, there was.  We also had to get the Ford Flex washed.  It gets FILTHY being towed behind the Trekker.  After checking out Alma we came back and took the Greniers to dinner.  We talked with them about what we could do in the area.  They mentioned driving over to the Saint Lawrence River where the Saguenay river empties into it - La Baie (the Bay) is the French word for it.

We woke up this morning and decided since we've been so busy being pushed to" get here" and "do this" by "that date" or by "this time" that we'd just blow it all off for one day.  So, we made it our aim for the day to not even have to leave the Trekker PERIOD for one single day.

We began the day by not getting up until about 8:30.  Then we had breakfast and a 3 game Scrabble face off.  Irene won 2 of the 3 games.  One of which was a skunk.   I'll explain our scrabble rules and scoring for you:

1.  You get 1 lookup per turn - FREE.  We've found some interesting words on some of our lookups through the years.

2.  Scoring:

1-49 Point win - You BEAT the other player

50-74 Point win - You THUMPED the other player

75-99 Point win - You put a HEAVY DUTY THUMPING on the other person

100-149 Point win - You SKUNKED the other person

150-174 Point win - You put a SKUNK and a THUMP on the other person

175-199 Point win - a HEAVY DUTY SKUNK and a THUMP on the other person

200-249 Point win - a DOUBLE SKUNK

250-274 Point win - a DOUBLE SKUNK and a THUMP

Got it?


What is a 282 point win called?

What is a 302 point win called? (This has only ever happened one time)

While we were playing Irene was also doing the laundry.  After those 3 games we had lunch.  After lunch I watched the NFL channel for a while and then at 2:00 we watched the 100th "Dirty Jobs" show with Mike Rowe.  It was a 2 hour special.  It's funny that this show was recorded in 2006 and the show hasn't been "LIVE" on the air since September of 2012, but they've left the "promos" in the programs asking you to send in suggestions for the "Dirtiest Jobs" so they can do them. 

While I was watching that I was also doing our finances with Quicken Premier 2014.  Quicken makes it all pretty easy.

After that we had another 3 game Scrabble set while we ate dinner - Pizza.   I won this 3 game set.  One of them I won by 245 points.  QUICK, use the chart above and figure out what "kind" of win this was.  At 7:00 PM "Criminal Minds" started its "Marathon" on A&E.  I don't know what "Criminal Minds" has to do with Arts OR Entertainment but I sure am glad it's on.  It probably my favorite show.  Abhorrent behavior amazes me.  I took a "Abnormal Psychology" class as a Freshman in College in 1971 at Central Washington State College and I was "HOOKED."

The answer to the 3 Scrabble scoring questions will be in the next post IF I REMEMBER!!

P.S. - Mrs. Grenier came over to the Trekker just as Criminal Minds was beginning and asked us to go for a walk - I said "NO, but Irene might go with you!"  Irene did - so SHE had to leave the Trekker today! LOL TOO BAD, SOOOO SAD. She said it was a lovely walk and came home with some Red Raspberries.

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