Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Catching up with posts

It's been "cold" here in Midland the last couple of days - NOTHING compared to Lafayette, IN where we used to live.  I checked the temperature there this morning and it was -14º, so our 25 sounded absolutely balmy in comparison.

Monday morning we got a call from Brenda that Phoebe was expecting Papa to drive her to pre-K like I had "promised."  I hadn't actually PROMISED, I had only mentioned it, but to Phoebs that was good enough? "Where are you Papa?"  We had our marching orders, we got dressed and headed over to Joel and Brenda's.  After taking Phoebe to her Montessori school, I went to get a haircut while Irene and Brenda went to Sams and Walmart to do some grocery shopping.

Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to find a barber shop open on Mondays?  Since barbers are open on Saturdays and Sundays, they tend to be closed on Mondays.  It took me driving to 4 different shops to finally find one that was open.

After the haircut I headed back to the Trekker to watch the Olympics.  The US isn't doing TOO badly.

Monday and Tuesday evenings Joel, Brenda and Phoebe came over to the Trekker to eat and craft (Phoebe and Irene).  Monday was making cards and Tuesday was doing some beading.

Joel is a "Landman."  That means he goes to county courthouses on behalf of an oil company to determine who has the mineral rights to land that the oil company has an interest in drilling on for oil or natural gas.  He currently is looking in Pecos, TX about 100 miles from Midland requiring him to make a 200 mile round trip 5 days a week.

Tomorrow (Wednesday Feb 12th) is our final full day here in Midland.  We'll go to dinner with the kids for the last time before heading out early Thursday morning.  HOPEFULLY, it will be warm enough tomorrow that Irene can get some washing done.  I've already been told by Phoebe that I am to take her to school again tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow night we will be going to mid-week Bible Study again.

We are finishing the night watching a NatGeo Wild program on the Appalachian Trail.  I'd love to hike to trail at some point.  On the "Bucket List."  I know Kazzie would go with me but it takes 6 months to go from Georgia to Maine (or vice-a-versa) and that can't happen for people that work or are married.

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