Monday, February 3, 2014

Some Time with Josh and Chris

We don't get to see enough of Josh and Chris.  Because Chris goes home to Romania to see her mom and dad at least once a year, that doesn't give her a lot of vacation time for other things.  If you are spending that much money for airline tickets and going that far - you HAVE to spend a chunk of time to make it worthwhile.  Anyway, we've gotten to see them 3 times in the last 15 months now in trips to Tucson.  The last time we were here in October, her mom Delia was actually here for a visit and we got to see her too.

Josh is a vocational minister.  That means that he works full-time and preaches for a congregation "on the side."  He preaches at the Old Spanish Trail church of Christ.  He works for a company that designs high end luxury suites for airlines - ultra-first class - on airlines like Japan Air Lines, Air Dubai, etc.  He does the company's database upkeep and design.  I'm very proud of him.  His lessons are always sound and bible centered.  You can tell he puts a lot of time into them.

Chris IS a rocket scientist.  She works at one of the aerospace industries.  She's a quality control or assurance (not sure of the technical name) maven making sure vendors do what they are supposed to do.

We got in Saturday and went to dinner at a Sushi Place (previous post).  Yesterday at church they had a potluck dinner after morning services:  Good Cooks; Lots of food.  Then yesterday we just spent some time at their home chatting before heading back to evening services.  After that we took them to the Trekker to show it to them and watch the "Carnage in Metlife Stadium."  We had it recorded (it starts while we are at church here in the Mountain Time Zone) so we watched "Bruno Mars" and the Red Hot Chili Peppers halftime show FIRST so Chris could get home and get to bed.  Then we started watching the game.  By the time the recording of the first quarter was over Josh realized he could go home WITH Chris since the game was for all intents and purposes over by then. (We would have taken him home if the game had been better and he stuck around AFTER Chris had left with their car).

I've been having some problems with my iPhone locking up for no reason at all.  So I made an appointment to have it looked at at the Apple Store in Tucson today at 11 AM.  After that Irene and I played a game of scrabble.  This time I FELT like I was facing the Seattle Defense and wasn't prepared for the game.  She beat me by 150+ points - or, in our parlance a "skunk" (100 points) and a "thump" (50 points).  75 points is a "heavy duty thump."  Winning by 200+ is a "double skunk."

This afternoon Josh, Irene and I went to see "Jack Ryan:Shadow Recruit."  I thought it was really good.  We all liked it.  Chris Pine has some VERY blue eyes.

Tonight the 4 of us got together for dinner at Oregano's Pizza Bistro in Tucson.  If you are ever here, check it out.  It is PACKED and this was Monday night.  NO reservations though.  Excellent super-thin crust pizza and the calamari was some of the best I've ever eaten.  Irene also said it was the best she'd ever had.

Coming out of church last night the sky looked amazing.  The picture below doesn't quite do it justice, but here it is:


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