Monday, June 16, 2014

2 for 3 isn't bad if you play baseball, right? or Meeting ourselves coming AND going

We arrived home late Wednesday night.  Unfortunately, one of our suitcases didn't.  You don't care nearly as much if you don't get your luggage arriving back home though.  You've got lots of extra clothes at the house and the suitcase is going to get a comfortable chauffeur driven ride to your house when it gets in.

Thursday was wash clothes for Irene day (A women's work is never done) and a finish getting the garage cleaned out for me day.  Because .... on Friday we closed on the sale of our house.  We got finished with our tasks and had to drive the Trekker to our next Sojourn.  It is at the Franklin Road Church of Christ in Indianapolis, IN.  The rig had to be off the property by the close of the house sale, so it was best to get it out Thursday night, because .... you can't have gain without pain - On Friday morning I had an appointment at the retinologist.  I knew I'd have to get an Avastin shot in my eye and I wouldn't be able to drive the Trekker to Indianapolis after closing on the house in the afternoon.

So, at least until we finish the house in Mission, TX in September we are officially homeless.  Yes, the Obama Economy (actually the lack of economy) has even thrown us to the curb.  (I figure that EVERY homeless person in the USA was blamed on "the Reagan Economy" for 30 years, so I'm blamin' Barach - [YES, this has been a paid advertisement of the limited government movement]).

Friday evening - as we are won't to do when I've been a good little patient and let the big, mean doctor stick a needle in my eye - we went to ColeStone Creamery.  Then, HUBBA, HUBBA to celebrate the sale of the house we went to Tokyo Buffet on Emerson in Greenwood IN for their terrific sushi.

Saturday I had a bored meeting, er uh, board meeting for a charity for which I serve on the board  .  I'm trying to figure which is more masochistic - the whole submitting to getting a needle poked in my eye or being on ANY board of directors.  Irene had stayed in Indy at the congregation because they were having a VBS prep meeting.  That's what this sojourn is all about - helping this small congregation with there VBS.

Yesterday, was father's day.  After morning worship we met Kazumi, Steve, Neo and Kendra for brunch at the Cheesecake Factory.  Then Steve and I went to see the newest X-Men movie.  It was pretty good.  After evening worship a bunch of us from the congregation went to dinner @ Cracker Barrel.  A good time was had by all.

We finished the night watching the last 2 episodes of the season for "Elementary" - the US version of a modern Sherlock Holmes (as opposed to the BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch).

So, we bid you adieu.

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