Sunday, June 1, 2014

We are Feelin' the Love!

Washington, D.C.
Lafayette, IN
Santa Ana, CA
Cody, WY
Baltimore, MD
Houston, TX

What do all of these cities share in common?  Give up?  They are all named after a person.

Washington - Named for George Washington an American General and 1st President of the United States.

Lafayette - named after Gilbert du Motier - Whose title in France was the Marquis de Lafayette. A French Aristocrat that helped America in our war for Independence from England.

Santa Ana - Named after Ann the supposed mother of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Cody - Named after William "Buffalo Bill" Cody a legendary scout for the Army and then the railroad in its push westward.

Baltimore - Named after Lord Baltimore a Catholic member of the house of Lords in England that petitioned "Mary, Queen of Scots" for a tract of land in America where Catholics could worship God according to their faith and conscience.  The city was named for him.  The state of MARYland was named for the queen that granted his request.

Houston - Named after Sam Houston the General in charge of the army of Texas in its battle for independence from Mexico.  Initially Texas was a sovereign nation (republic) all its own from 1836-1846 when it petitioned for entrance into the United States of America.

My point in this stroll through historical/geographic trivia is that you have ARRIVED when people start naming things after you - cities; states; hospitals; federal buildings - heck even sports move the "Fosbury Flop."

With this fact in mind welcome my friends to:

That's right people.  Even as far back as 1773, my ancestor - Robert Gordon - realized I would be such a seminal figure in South African history that he named a city for me 241 years ago!  Thanks Uncle Bob!  Now, if you read the "history of Gordon's Bay" they will give you some "dog and pony" explanation of his being so arrogant that he named it in honor of himself.  I know better.  We Gordons do not struggle with pride.  They just didn't know that Uncle Bob was prescient.  He knew that one day his great-great-great-great-great-great-wonderfully great nephew was going to arrive in South Africa in 1984.  That he would be here to usher out Apartheid and usher in the new age of a FREE South Africa.  That the mere force of my presence in 1992 would be enough to sway hundreds of thousands of white Afrikaaners to realize the error of their way and vote to enfranchise all South Africans.  Only Uncle Bobby knew that I would be here in 1994 and by force of will would lead Nellie (what I called Nelson when we were in a room alone together) to a rousing victory for the ANC and the transition to a peaceful exchange of power to the majority black population.  He knew that I, James R Gordon, would be in South Africa when it hosted and won the 1995 Rugby World Cup.  They say it aint braggin' if you can back it up.  Like old Walter Brennan said "No Brag; Just Fact!"  I've got boarding passes and passports to back up every claim.

So, on Thursday I asked Peter to drive Irene and I to Gordon's Bay for one final look at my namesake.

Above, On the way to Gordon's Bay you pass some lovely mountains that are part of the Hottentot-Holland Range

Below - At the Base of the ridge of center of this picture is the city of Gordon's Bay.  This picture is taken as we are passing through Somerset West

Above - If you look closely at the diamond on the side of the mountain, it contains the letters G B in to for "Gordon's Bay."

Below is a picture of the Pump Station for the Fresh Water Reservoir that is in the mountains up behind Gordon's Bay.

Above is a beautiful Picture from the ridge that is above Gordon's Bay looking west.


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