Saturday, May 31, 2014

OH MY! You have GOT to be kidding me!

I want to begin this post by exhorting EVERYONE that reads this blog to also check out our WEBSITE:

On there you will find our Sojourning schedule; Pictures of the "Trekker" and a link to this blog page.  Also, there is a link both at our website ( AND on this blog to email us if you'd like to.  You can do that at:

Now on with our present posting:

How do you know you are "advancing in years" (besides the missing teeth; sagging body parts; gray hair; fading vision; failing hearing, etc) -  When children you met when they were 5 and 12 are grown up; in their 40s and have children OLDER than they were when you met them.

Today we spent the day with Vincent and Selma Walters and their grown (and married) daughters Samantha and Cyrill and their husbands Angelo (Samantha) and Llewellyn (Cyrill) and Samantha and Angelo's boys Seth and Noah.

The first time I came here in 1984 Selma and Vincent had only been Christians for about a year.  Samantha was 12 and Cyrill was about 5.

The first time Irene came with me, in June of 1985, we had a meal at the Walters house in Charlesville.  They've been one of the more special families we've gotten to know here through the years.

When I came here in the early 90s, Samantha was going through university at the University of Cape Town and we'd go to the campus and play squash.  She would usually squash me pretty good (those balls do NOT BOUNCE very well).

The years kept a rollin'.  Samantha married Angelo Kriger a career navy man and they now have their 2 strapping teenaged boys.  

Cyrill attended college at the University of Michigan for her Masters in Music (Western Classical).  She is now at UCT in the Library Sciences department.  There MUST BE a joke in "Library Sciences" about developing a better Dewey Decimal System since everything in the world now is going Digital which is based on the Binary System ----- but I haven't figured that one out yet.  She married Llewellyn Smith about 7 years ago.

We spent the morning with Cyrill and Llewellyn and had some light breakfast. 

(Cyrill - "My mom told me not to feed you guys too much because she was cooking dinner for you")

Cyrill and Llewellyn Smith - By Irene

Llewellyn and I talked some about the company he is COO of Coronation Fund Management.  We all reminisced about "times of yore."  In a very quick 1 1/2 hours Samantha "popped around" to pick us up to go to her house and pick up Angelo and the boys.  We sat in their lounge and reminisced again about "auld lang syne" and Angelo made some coffee for everyone - I stuck with my coke light.  With the coffee he brought out some glazed donut holes and small brownies.

(Samantha - "My mom told me not to feed you guys too much because she was cooking dinner for you")

Samantha and Angelo Kriger - By Irene

After about an hour there we loaded into their Land Rover and headed to Vishoek (Fish Hook) to Vincent and Selma's.  We took one of the mountain roads Boyes Rd. and got some terrific pictures.  Here's a short video and a couple of pictures I shot:

When we got to their home Selma and Vincent were indeed ready to "put on the ritz!"  The meal was terrific and the fellowship was even better.  Thanks so much for treating us like family Selma and Vincent.

Selma and Vincent Walters - by Irene

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