Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some South Africa Pics

I thought I'd just post some pictures of South Africa that I've taken since I got here.  The last two days I've taken walks about town.  When I do so I take pictures of flowers for Irene which I usually text to her.  Being in a foreign country the Data Roaming charges are astronomical, so she has to settle for looking at them when I get back from my walk for right now.  I'm virtually certain Irene knows the name to everyone of them.  They aren't trees, so to me they are just pretty.  If you click on the picture it will bring up the original sized picture.

Today Irene and I went to an afternoon tea with Samantha Kriger.  We've known her for thirty years since she was a teenager of *%$((& years old.  Now she's got 2 lovely boys of her own Seth and Noah. The oldest is about to enter Junior High School (the American equivalent).   We went with her to the Rhodes Memorial.  Cecil Rhodes was a British Business man that made his money mining diamonds in South Africa.  Check out his Wikipedia Article HERE

Here's a couple pictures of the view from the memorial

Here's Samantha and Irene:

And Irene and I at the Memorial:

I preached at Eastridge Church of Christ this evening.  The title of the lesson was "God's Solution for Man's Sin"

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