Monday, May 19, 2014

Condolences to Irene and her family; Then To George and Back

I want to begin by asking you all to have Irene's family in your prayers and thoughts.  This past week on Tuesday, May 13th, Irene's niece Barbara Hollon passed away after succumbing to advanced lung cancer metastatic to both her brain and adrenal glands.  She is survived by 2 children - Amy and Brian and a sister, Dona and brother, Steve

Then Saturday, May 17th the husband of Irene's sister Carolyn, Nat Marion, passed away from an extensive cerebral hemorrhagic stroke.  He is survived by his wife Carolyn, sons Mike and Doug, their wives, Becky and Rebecca and their 4 grandchildren (2 per couple).

When we last posted we were leaving for George the next morning (Saturday, May 17th) from Robertson.  While at Robertson we had stayed at the Ballinderry Guest House (Gast Huis in Afrikaans).  It is owned by Luc and Hilde Uyttenhove.  They are originally from Belgium.  They retired to this area specifically to own and run their own Guest House.  They have done a wonderful job with their establishment and we highly recommend it..   Here is a picture of the front of it.

We left about 10 AM on Saturday to be in George by 3 PM.  It takes about 3 1/2 hours to get there.    The scenery along the way is so amazing that I decided to put numerous pictures and short videos in this posting to TRY to give you some idea.  I'm sure they will fall woefully short of reality.

We arrived about 1 hour early and went to check into the Far Hills Country Hotel in Wilderness, about 4 miles from George.  I will graciously say that Luc and Hilda at Bellinderry with the excellent facilities and service had set the bar of expectation so high that the Far Hills couldn't measure up.  We originally intended to stay there Saturday and Sunday night but the rooms were in such poor condition we decided to return to the excellencies of Bellinderry  for Sunday night.

Of course we had gone there to teach.  Saturday, Irene taught the ladies  "God's Anger Management,"  and I taught the men "Forgetting Things That Are Behind."

Here is a video of everyone on Saturday:

On Sunday I preached on "Trusting in God to Accomplish His Will."  Here's a short video of the church on Sunday.  They meet in the city council Chamber Room:


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