Monday, June 16, 2014

"I can stop any time I want to" OR "What should I watch next?"

There are many things you miss when you go to do mission work in many parts of the world:  

1. Good WiFi 

2. Being able to walk into a store and having 20 of one item on the shelf - 15 of another and EXACTLY what you need because of competition filling every niche of the marketplace; 

3. Fox News (CNN is everywhere)

But more than anything is TV from the present season. Thank the Lord for DirecTV and DVRs.

While we were gone I had our DVR recording away.  Since we left in the beginning of May (the 7th) there was only a couple more weeks of this season's programs still to show.  Thank goodness the DVR had enough space to record them all and didn't get knocked off-line somehow while we were gone.

Trying to figure out what to watch first to last is the hardest part.  I started by watching stuff that Irene at least has the slightest interest in.  I thought she'd tolerate Mentalist; Person of Interest or Elementary best.

She opted for the Mentalist.  Then Person of Interest came next (last night) we watched Elementary.  That was about it for what Irene has any real level of interest in (and I think even that's feigned for my benefit).  Next I watched what I had the least interest in: the season finale for Hawaii 5-0; an episode of Unforgettable;  Now I'm moving on to the heavy hitters - NCIS:Los Angeles and NCIS.  That will be it for tonight.  Tomorrow (Lord Willing) I will get to finish it off with Bones and the Coup de Grace Criminal Minds.

Irene calls me a TV-aholic.  I know it isn't true, but I'm having a hard time collecting ANY evidence to counter her claim.

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