Monday, June 30, 2014

They have learned to control "The Blob" or The Video You Won't Believe

The year was 1958.  I was 6 years old.  I STILL remember the "trailer" for the movie "THE BLOB."  The movie description on IMDb is "An alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows."

I don't know WHEN.  I don't know HOW.  I don't know WHO.  All that I know is that when you watch the video  below there can be little doubt that they have domesticated that alien life form.  That it is alive and well and performing a valuable function in houses around America.  OR, maybe it is part of its master plan to take over the world by lying dormant in houses around the world until it gets its "go signal" from headquarters.

We are having this "blown in" insulation put in the attic AND all the exterior "down walls".  This is "closed cell" foam insulation and has an R value of 6.5 PER INCH.  So, in our exterior walls that are 3.5 inches thick the R value will be 22.75 and in the Rafters of the trusses it will be 35.75.  Down here in this heat (85º at 8 AM; 104º at 2 PM) it is well worth the extra money to put it in.  To foam the ceilings and down walls of the 1400 sq. ft.+ house will take 1 1/2 days.  No other contractors can be inside while this job is being done.  The "curing process" puts off isocyanate gases.  You can see the guy doing the application has a air mask on which is connected to an oxygen production tank in the truck.  PLUS, I saw him take a roll of glad wrap or saran wrap and rap it around the mask about 4 times to assure the mask was sealed around his face.

The next picture below is a picture of the 3 frames for pocket doors we are having installed.  One into the pantry another into the laundry room and one into the master bathroom.  You just place these in the walls and attach the drywall directly to the horizontal slats then hang the pocket door.  BOOM! they are done AND they take up so much less room IN the room than a swinging door:

The next picture is of the "Brown Coat" of stucco being applied.  They had just started this morning.  This is the second of the 4 coats I spoke about in an earlier post.

We went over to take one final look at the house before leaving and just happened to catch these contractors at work and the door frames there.  They were nice enough to tell us what was happening.

We also thought we'd give you an idea of the neighborhood by taking pictures of the rest of our street - Hummingbird Lane.  Here is one shot in each direction from the house.

We leave from McAllen International (yea, right) airport in about 1 1/2 hours.  So, gotta go!

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