Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And On THIS AXLE weighing in at...

We are DUN!

They got our proportional valves installed today.  So, we went and filled with water and fuel and then drove to Sunshine Mills (no turn signals please) to weigh our rig.  In the words of Phil Robertson: "Happy, Happy, Happy!!"  The front axle weight with both Irene and I in the rig; fully fueled; full of fresh water and with over 60% in both our gray water tank AND black water tank was only 15660.  It brought tears to the eyes I tell you.  Our rear axle was 20040 (almost a ton below the allowable 22000 and our tag axle was 6840 (well short of the 12600 allowable).  So, we are all done our rig tweaks from Tiffin.

This evening TJ Elliot is coming to remove our bed stands so he can modify them.  He's going to put 2 drawers in each one where they only have a magazine rack in there now.  Who reads magazines anymore anyway, isn't that what Al Gore invented the internet for - so Magazines can have on-line digital formats now. (Save the trees)  As a total aside, I'll bet it puts a real twist in the knickers of all the enviro-libs that also bemoan the loss of "real newspapers and books" - Which do i want - Trees saved (by having all writing go straight to the digital world) or Real books I can feel, smell and keep in my library?

Lord willing, we will get out of here on Friday sometime.  Then it's off to become residents of the great state of Florida.  That's right, we are officially moving to "God's Waiting Room."  From now on We'll have ice only in our drinks to keep them cold.  I feel like Kevin Bacon - Footloose!


  1. Let us know where you "land" in FL. We may be down in March to visit snow bird friends in Bradenton.
    L & J Long

  2. How'd your visit to Bradenton go there, my brother? I hope the 2 of you had a great time.
