Monday, January 20, 2014


Yesterday was Sunday so there wasn't much to post about.  We went to church in the morning and evening at the same congregation I wrote about on Wednesday night - the Ocala Church of Christ.  The class was excellent.  The sermons in the morning and evening were on 1 Kings 19 - Elijah in the cave at Mount Horeb (same as Mt. Sinai).

We made a quick trip to Winn-Dixie on the way back to the home to the rig.  Shouldn't it be called "Lost-Dixie" though?  They didn't Winn the war, they lost it!

Both of the NFL games yesterday were pretty good and the 2 teams that Irene and I wanted to win, did win.  So now it's Peyton Manning's 3rd shot at winning the Super Bowl.  Drew Brees and my New Orleans Saints beat him and the Colts in the Super Bowl in 2009.  It will be a great game with him up against the best defense in football.

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  Mr. King was a great force in the Civil Rights movement in the 60s.  Like so many in that decade, his life was cut short by an idiot with a gun - JFK, RFK, MLK.  A bad decade if your last name began with K?!

I was in the sixth grade in North Carolina when JFK was murdered.  My birthday is November 24th and it occurred on the 22nd.  RFK was killed following his victory in the 1968 California presidential primary.  I lived in California at the time and had just gone to bed after the results were announced when my mom came in to awaken me and tell me that he had been shot.  Martin Luther King had been shot just 2 months before that in Memphis, Tennessee.

Though I didn't agree with the politics of RFK or Dr. King, NO ONE deserves to be killed for striving to help the poor and down-trodden.  It's what Jesus did (though he was a-political - i.e. - he had no political aspirations).  In America we believe in change by election not by bullets.

On a lighter note - Almost unbelievably, I slept in until 9:55 this morning.  Got up, took a shower and after eating "brunch" I went for a 7 mile walk.  Irene beat me 2 out of 3 in Scrabble games today.  Drat!  We've watched a couple of episodes of 'Monster Fish' of Nat Geo Wild and then an episode of Criminal minds on ION TV.  A new series on CBS "Intelligence" just started.  Signing off now to watch it. - posted by Jim

Jim's posting about the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, made me think of a small factum associated with that. Paul Hess who was the president of St. Elizabeth Hospital and was responsible for bringing me  to Lafayette, was previously the president of the hospital that Dr. King was taken to after he was shot. Mr. Hess was the one who announced to the world that he was dead. - Irene

Oops, I just checked an original news posting and found that I made an error in the above note. Mr. Paul Hess was the assistant administrator, not the president of St. Joseph's Hospital where Martin Luther King was taken after he was shot. This is a sister hospital to St. Elizabeth. But he was the one who made the initial announcement that he was dead. I never knew this until Mr. Hess's retirement dinner. One of the nuns who had been there told us that he had to take on the horrible task of facing the reporters and the large group of people who had gathered and tell them that Dr. King had died of a gunshot wound to the right side of the neck which had left a huge gaping hole. Mr.  Hess had never spoken about it to me and even at the dinner did not make any comment about it but just looked sad. I believe it was the worst moment of his entire professional career.  posted by Irene

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