Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our Phoebe Phix

We left Camp Bee this morning in Marshall about 10 AM and drove to Midland, TX.  For virtually the whole way here there was a 30+ mph wind blowing from the south and we were going west, so the wind was hitting us directly on the "broadside" of our rig.  Our rig was barely budged from its lane by all but the strongest gusts of wind.  It was a pleasure to drive.  Here's a picture of a HUGE flag we saw standing almost straight out from its flagpole looking like a starched sheet.

When we got to Midland we parked at the Fairmont Park Church of Christ.  It's nice because they have an electrical hookup.  Our Son Joel, His Wife Brenda and Our Granddaughter, Phoebe came over and we showed them the new rig "buttoned up" for travel.  Then we had Phoebe stand on each one of the slide-outs as we put it out.   She was very amused.

After showing the rig to the kids we went to eat at Phoebe's choice - Furr's Buffet.  It was pretty good.  Then it was off to see their apartment they moved into about the middle of December.  Phoebe, Irene and I played "go fish."  Irene ended up beating Phoebe by a single pair in the second hand.

Many have been asking for a recent picture of Phoebe.  Her's one of her holding a picture of a fish she painted that Irene took just tonight.

As I'm writing this I am watching the TV show "Elementary" on CBS.  Irene and I watch it virtually every week.   Thursday's are a pretty good night of TV with this show and "Big Bang Theory" on.  It is certainly the BEST comedy on TV at the present time.

Gonna hit the sack soon we continue our trek to Tucson tomorrow.  We hope to get to Las Cruces, NM tomorrow.


  1. Oh, she's so big!! Wow!!! And such a great artist. ^_^

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