Saturday, January 4, 2014

What to do?

Saturday in Red Bay

They only work on rigs Monday-Friday here, so there's NOT much to do on the weekends in the thriving Megalopolis known as Red Bay, AL.  So, what DO you do to fill the time of a Saturday where the mercury would appear to be frozen in the thermometer at about 25.

First off, you go to bed late (1:30 AM) so you can feel perfectly justified sleeping in until 9:30 AM knowing you didn't sleep more than the prescribed 8 hours.  Then you get up and make the lovely lady a microwaved egg that you put on your honey wheat nutrisystem diet bagel. YUM!

After your late breakfast you struggle hard to let you wife beat you by ONE, SINGLE, MEASLY POINT in Scrabble.  (I've gotta work on my scorekeeper skills apparently!)  Snack time!  Beat my woes to death with a 60 calorie Sargento's sharp cheddar cheese stick.

Next, spend a couple hours surfing the internet looking at RV lots for sale or rent in Florida (our new domicile).  Then, LUNCHTIME!  Spinach and tomatoes topped with a savory packet of Chicken Salad by Nutrisystem.  YUM, YUM! All that plus some Wheat Thins with a Hint of Salt.  I HATE salt.  Maybe that'll be a post all to itself one day.  I'll debate with myself as to whether or not salt is worth all that wasted typing... NOPE, it aint gonna happen.

This afternoon I went for a 52:29 walk covering 2.98 miles.  Obviously a mere saunter for a stallion like me.  I only walked at 17:53/mile.  I can do better but, hey, I'm retired now and it isn't like it was a competition with myself.

Right now I'm watching the Indianapolis Colts trying to decide just how badly they want to lose to the Kansas City Chiefs.  They let KC take a 28 point lead but now they have it back down to 10 points.  Truth be told I don't give a diddly about the Colts?Chiefs game.  After this game the Saints play the Eagles.  THAT'S the game this Drew Brees fan wants to watch.  Why?  I think the Saints might very well be undressed by the Eagles.  I'll watch because it's Drew Brees.  To be updated after the game.  GO DREW!


1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny that this was "posted" by "Irene Gordon"... please, dad, we know. We all know.
