Thursday, January 2, 2014


Cold in Red Bay

There's a cold front that showed up here today.  Anytime the temperature is going to be below freezing at night they shut the water off in the campground so they don't have massive problems with frozen pipes.  Since Tuesday night was below freezing the water was shut off.  Wednesday was really nice, but since it was a holiday no one was here to turn the water on last night (SOB!), so it remained off.  Tonight and tomorrow night are supposed to be MONSTER cold for here - in the low 20s.  All of this means we are living off the water in our fresh water tank.  That's fine, but it means we can't wash clothes in the rigs washer - instead we (read "Irene") had to traipse to the campground laundromat to do the clothes this afternoon.

Church tonight.  Since Alabama is playing Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl and it's COLD attendance kind of suffered.  There was a sea of Alabama red at services tonight.  Did I mention I don't like Nick Saban?  Not since he followed the money out of Michigan State.  Hopefully, he gets beat tonight.  Did you see Michigan State beat Stanford in the Rose Bowl yesterday?

We got the call today that we have to have our rig at bay #34 at 7 in the morning tomorrow to start working on some of our issues.  Gotta milk it until our new cabinet and cabinet modifications are done.


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